Based on the Best Places to Work Survey results and employee feedback, a new process by which employees are selected to participate on cross-functional teams has been developed.
This new process:
- Supports Strategic Goal #33 to increase professional development opportunities for individual contributors
- Enhances our culture by building on our company’s Teamwork value
- Promotes diversity and inclusion by promoting diversity of thought
- Aligns with our goal to become an “Employer of Choice”
A link to the Team Selection Process is available on the iTrust homepage under iTrust Sites > Teams. Quick reference guides are available under the Team Sign-Up Documents heading for employees, managers/supervisors and team leaders to navigate through the process.
In order to join a team:
- The team has an opening listed on the page for new members to join
- The employee meets the criteria needed to join the team
- The manager/supervisor approves employee participation
- The team leader makes final determination as to whether the employee joins the team
For more information, contact any one of the Cross-Functional Team Selection Process team members: Tamiko Kendrick, Garrick Hardy, Laura O’Brien, Joe Nagy, Kenya Logan, Kim Rogers and Mike Etchison.