Employees now have a new resource for career development at Citizens Energy Group. “The Pipeline,” a page on iTrust, was developed by a team of employees as a result of the strategic planning process during fiscal year 2019 to support the overall goal of the employee engagement pillar: Become an employer of choice in the State of Indiana. The site can be found from the Employee Resources tab on the home page.
The Pipeline provides links to a variety of resources, including descriptions of the Trust’s nearly 30 departments, current job openings, information about the tuition reimbursement benefit, video tours of Citizens facilities, and Citizens Success Academy. Learn more about the video tours HERE. The site also includes a form that allows employees to express what they are interested in learning more about or to indicate career opportunities they are seeking at Citizens.
“Our goal was to provide a useful tool for employees that would be self-initiated and self-sustaining,” said Cheryl Carlson, the team’s leader.
Other members of the team were Mark Bender, Daphne Chiu, Garrick Hardy, Sarah MacKay, Colleen Rose, Leo Sparks, Shannon Stahley, Jodi Whitney (Executive Sponsor), and Lacy Wooden.
Wooden’s role on the team was to help create content for The Pipeline based on her experience working with employees as a Human Resources Generalist over the past several years. She has personally utilized the tuition reimbursement benefit twice throughout her career, so she is passionate about making employees aware of what is available to them.
She hopes employees will add learning goals to their individual performance plans during the fiscal year performance planning and review (PPR) process and take advantage of the resource hub to build business acumen.
“Citizens provides development tools, but it is up to us as individual employees to use them,” she said. “I challenge us all to engage with the resources on The Pipeline as we work together to achieve One Company, One Culture.”