Several employees across the Trust have been developing CLASS projects and earning certifications for their work. Find out which employees have earned Yellow and Blue Belts recently.
FY2019 Levels of Quality
Check your area’s Huddle Board to look at the current progress on 2019 Levels of Quality! This year, departments can earn stars in “6C” areas: 1.) Control; 2.) Culture; 3.) Communication; 4.) Commitment; 5.) CI Activity Participation; and 6.) Certifications. You can read more details about these areas in the January Engauge.
CLASS Certifications
Yellow Belt Certifications continue! Congratulations to the following employees, whose projects recently have been certified:
Chris Braun, VP Energy Operations, created a process for new gas customers with no heat that will ensure all meter installs are completed in a timeframe that meets the customers’ needs.
Jeff Willman, VP Water Operations, developed a process to efficiently and effectively monitor and track line locate cost by Division and for the Trust overall.
Randy Higginbotham, Westfield Supervisor Water Operations, standardized and improved the process for biosolids production and removal at the Westfield wastewater treatment plant.
Doug Payton, Water Operations, improved a process at the TW Moses Water Treatment Plant to reduce disinfection byproducts.
Training and Development Opportunities
The Citizens Lean Leadership training and certification program provides leaders (supervisors, managers, and directors) the opportunity to discuss leadership tools, struggles, and ideas while creating a common approach for supporting and leading lean thinking. The eight-week course is based on the book “People: A Leader's Day-to-Day Guide to Building, Managing and Sustaining Lean Organizations" by Robert Martichenko, Roger Pearce, Steve Gran and Walt Miller. The most recent group of leaders to receive their Blue Belts for leadership are pictured below. If you are interested in attending a future session, please visit the Quality Systems iTrust site.